Monday, November 4, 2013

Amado rivera

Amdao rivera aka panek from san bernardino he is the reason i started taggin . Ever since i was little i loved his graffiti. He is well known in san bernardino by other taggers . This picture he did reasantly i could not find any othe work he has done .

Friday, October 4, 2013


Jordan nickel aka  pose is a Graffiti artist bassed in chicago. He got a painting degree at kansas city art instatution tgis paintin is made with acrylic an spray paint on a clayboard pannel. Pose's work is universably accesible. This painting is 48×56 inches 

This painting is 48×56×2 inches
And this painting is 72×48×2 inches these 3 paintings and many more wher at the levine gallery.
Along side pose in this exebition is called uphill both ways inspired by graffiti artist nekst. jason williams aka revok this graffiti artist was born in riverside Ca. He began doin graffiti in 1990. Revok founded the detriot beautificatin project  he and his freinds make murals throughout the city. These paintings by revok are made from acrylic enamil and things found in abounded houses,schools,churches, and businesses. His work is abstract geometric pannels. This painting 8138 frenkel its 36×36 inches. Revok and pose are poth part of a crew called the 7th letter along side retna.

2719 fullerton 25×37 inches by revok

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Marquis lewis aka retna

This painting is from retna a known Graffiti artist in L.A . His painting was at MOCA the musuem of contemporary arts in Los Angeles titled "Art in the streets". I chose this peice because i like graffiti its one of my favorite kinds of art thiers so much u can express in graffiti thats why i chose this. found this picture at